Do You Get Stressed Out, Worried Or Anxious About Seeing The Dentist?
If you answered ‘yes’, then Epsom Dental Centre are ready to help with our Calm & Gentle Dentistry treatments.
A typical nervous patient would be somebody that has had a bad experience in their childhood and this has meant that they haven’t been to a dentist for years. As a result they fear that they are going to be judged when they go and see a dentist.
We Never Judge You!
We try and help you to get over this barrier. To begin with we can visit you outside of the practice, just going to a local coffee shop. We find this can help to break down the barriers and show who we are and how we can help. Remember you are always in control.
We won’t do anything that you don’t want us to do. We won’t force you to have any treatment. We just start very slowly, very gently with you in control at every step of the way.
In the past we’ve managed to get people who are completely phobic and haven’t been to see a dentist in over 30 years, into the practice and having treatment. Believe it or not some of those patients actually say that they are not scared of coming to the dentist at all now.
Our 3 Step Pain Free System
Our 3 step Pain Free system is to give our patients…
- A topical numbing gel at the beginning
- We also warm the local anaesthetic up
- We use very fine gauge local anaesthetic needles
As a result our patients don’t feel the injection and its completely painless.
Overcoming Your Dental Fear
My name is Chig, I’m the owner of Epsom Dental Centre. One of the most memorable moment in my career so far was when I had a patient who was going to get married the following year.
She was very nervous, she was very down because she had teeth that she felt she just couldn’t smile with and she was actually not looking forward to her wedding day.
She was so nervous she felt she couldn’t do anything about it, but by taking very small steps in the beginning and taking things at her pace we managed to get the treatment she wanted done.
She was completely relaxed in the end and the result was she had the smile she wanted for her wedding day.
She said that she just couldn’t believe it, and it was great to see the wedding photo that she sent to us.